Friday, December 19, 2008


Alrighty. So I'm finally home with the fam. Over the past few days I have been disgustingly tired. Seriously, I haven't been this sluggish in a long long time. I am usually full of waay too much energy, and yet all I can do is crawl to my comfortbale...soft...plush...beckoning bed. (I might have to stop and take a nap.) Honestly, I think this semester has caught up with me alllll at once. I figure that while I'm home I'm going to be painfully bored, so I've decided to come up with a few goals to make the break more productive.

Goal 1: First things first I have to convince someone in my family that we should move back to our lovely home, Watkinsville, GA. My mother had the brilliant idea that we should move to Houston, TX way back in the day to be closer to her family. But shes lookin for a change in her life so I think I'll start with her first. I plan to relay the great days of old and the joyful intimacy a small town can bring to her. If that doesn't work, I'll move on to good ole dad. Me and pops are like best friends and he wants to be near is only daughter (not to mention get in-state tuition) so he might reconsider the move. Besides he was born and bred in wonderful Union Point, Georgia and he needs to be closer to his family.

Goal 2: Have peaceful, non-rushed quality time with the Lord. I want to listen to podcasts, dig into the word and take my time listening and praying to Him. Sometimes God calls us to be still, quiet, calm so we can just enjoy communing with Him and getting in line with His will. I want to make that my upmost priority these next couple weeks. I also want to be constantly mindful of the real reason we celebrate Christmas and how beautiful God's plan was for His son to be born on Earth. God has truly helped me to be sooo thankful this year for the many many blessings He has given me (all of which I do not deserve). I have everything to meet my needs and the rest are just gifts from Him.

Goal 3: Watch sports constantly. If you can't already tell, I kinda like athletics. I'm not one of those girls who likes to fake it to impress people or just get attention. I really have a passion for sports and I HATE it that school gets in the way of that. Ha! Instead of studying for Econ I should be watching the Texans beat the Titans. Wait a go Houston! Instead of reading about Crisis Communication for public relations I should be watching every men's Duke basketball game that comes on TV. So for the next, what? two and a half weeks or so? thats what I'm gonna do. Be a couch potato, watch sporting events and hopefully go to them!

Goal 4: I can't believe I'm saying this but...I might actually try to read a book. I have never been much of a reader. It always makes me really tired and I kinda feel like theres other things I can be doing. But I will admit I love love love! Anything written by Jane Austin and so I'm going to try to read one of her brilliant novels!!

Shout out of the day!!: Anyone who actually read this whole post without getting too agonizingly bored. Thanks to you for sticking with me because I felt kinda bored writing it. I'm not my cheery self today. I'm tired. And want to got back to sleep even though its 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Hasta Luego!