Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Snuggie

Okay, as we all know, its cold outside. Today the temp only got up to the high 40's. So I'm sittin in my room this afternoon, attempting to study for my Econ final (not successfully might I add) and I get kinda chilly. I grab a blanket but the problem is its hard to read and take notes while trying to keep my blanket comfortably around my shoulders. Thats when I'm reminded of the "Snuggie". For those of you who have been fortunate enough to have seen this invention advertsed on TV, you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. (I have only seen it advertised on ESPN, but then again ESPN is one of the few channels I ever watch.) As for the rest of you, you have missed out on one of the greatest pleasures in life...making fun of riduculous products and the people who actually buy them. Seriously, the "Snuggie" has crossed a new landmark in info-mercials. Let me try to explain....Nah! Please please click on this link and watch for yourself! Theres now wayyyy I can do it justice!! I especially like the old man in the recliner and the family at in the stands of a sporting event!!!

Seriously people, this is obsurd!!bahhahahaa. Even though I was cold today and had nothing to keep my frail arms warm, I will never NEVER buy a snuggie. If I did I would lose all self respect and hit an all time lowest of lows. Do yourself a favor. Put on a sweater!! No matter how nippy the air might be, its not worth the public riducule you might recieve in this purchase.

Shout out of the day!!: Holly H!! one of my bestest pals!! Its a special day for her. Twenty years ago today she was born into this world! Now if thats not worthy of a shout out, I don't know what is.


  1. kelsey, my mom and i have already discussed getting the snuggie for our whole family.. we want to replicate the ad and take pictures wearing them out by our firepit... haha. you=awesome. :) --molly k

  2. I just have to say that I really like the Snuggie and will be getting one ASAP...even if you make fun of me (and thats alright, too) :)
